p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498

Facial Injuries in Sports

Sabriye Ercan, Cem Çetin

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.134

Issue: 2019, Volume 54, Issue 3
4811 2061

Effect of Exercise on the Mental Health of Pregnant Women: a Systematic Review

Selma İnfal Kesim, Ayşe Taştekin, Tuba Özaydın

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.143

Issue: 2019, Volume 54, Issue 4
7301 3143

Partnership As an Instrument of Sport Governance in Morocco: Case of The Partnership Between Ministries in Charge of Sport and National Education

Elakari Abderrazak

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.147

Issue: 2019, Volume 54, Supplement 1
1318 1644

The Effect of Physical Exercise on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Elderly: a Systematic Review of Experimental Studies

Yakup Zühtü Birinci, Şenay Şahin, Şerife Vatansever, Serkan Pancar

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.142

Issue: 2019, Volume 54, Issue 4
7316 2937

Return to Play Considerations Following Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Case Report

Mattia David, Tim Rindlisbacher

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.159

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
2914 1809

Bilateral Distal Radius Epiphyseal Fracture in an Adolescent Weightlifter: Case report

Sabriye Ercan

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.160

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
2284 2035

Sports Medicine Specialization Theses: Bibliometric Analysis of the Last 15 Years in Turkey

Sabriye Ercan

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.155

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
3092 2089

Expert Views on the Causes and Solutions of the Doping Issue in Turkey’s Sports

Sait Tarakçıoğlu

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.172

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 2
12251 1971

Effects of High Intensity Exercise on Body Composition Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Tahir Hazır, Mehmet Gören Köse, Ferhat Esatbeyoğlu, Yunus Emre Ekinci, Ayşe Kin İşler

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.166

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 2
5695 2555

Effects of Acute Exhaustive Exercise on Oxidant and Antioxidant System Parameters in Rats with Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes Mellitus

Ahmet Melih Şahin, Osman Fuat Sönmez, Murat Mengi, Mehmet Altan, Muhammet Sait Toprak, Hakan Ekmekçi, Şensu Dinçer, Gökhan Metin, Lütfi Çakar

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.169

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 2
2042 1758

Impact of Online Publication on Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine

Sabriye Ercan, Bülent Ülkar

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.152

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
2217 1880

The Effect of Pilates and Low Intensity Cardio Exercise on Insulin Resistance in Women

Ömer Mumcu, Rabia Hürrem Özdurak Sıngın, Faruk Yamaner, Ferit Kerim Küçükler

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.180

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 4
6055 2472

Analysis of Joint Range of Motion, Balance and Injury among Kitesurfers: a Cross-Sectional Study

Raziye Dut, Gürhan Dönmez, Mehmet Kaymakoğlu, Mehmet Ali Talmaç, Anıl Işık, Bulent Bayraktar

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.168

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 2
2367 1928

Eating Disorders and Nutritional Habits of Female University Athletes

Eren Canbolat, Funda Pınar Çakıroğlu

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.181

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 3
2942 2611

The Comparison of Achilles Tendon Viscoelastic Properties in Elite Runners and Soccer Players

Serkan Usgu, Yavuz Yakut, Murat Ali Çınar

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.185

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 4
4161 2133

Association of Sport and Exercise with Health Condition and Academic Performance: A Cross Sectional Study Among University Students in Bangladesh

Mohammad Shafiul Hossen, Palash Karmakar, Abhijit Das, Arifur Rahman, Malthas Chakma

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.187

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 4
2457 2355

Effects of exercise on life quality in a rheumatoid arthritis patient

Diego Alexandre Alonso-Aubin, Iván Chulvi-Medrano, Moisés Picón-Martinez, George S Metsios

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0482

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
2206 2049

Collagen type 1 gene (COL1A1) rs1800012 polymorphism in long and short distance runners

Celal Bulğay, Canan Sercan Doğan, Ebru Çetin, Tolga Polat, Başak Funda Eken, Orkun Akkoç, Işık Bayraktar,Korkut Ulucan

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0469

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
3464 2005

Plyometrics or balance training effects on lower body power, balance and reactive agility in collegiate basketball athletes: A randomized control trial

Jaelynn Lee, Joel Martin, Ryan Wildehain, Jatin Ambegaonkar

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0472

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
3760 2438

Heart rate responses during the modified six-minute walk test among Special Olympics athletes

Lynneth Stuart-Hill, Paige Ryan, Laura St. John, Pauli Rintala, Viviene Temple

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0493

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 2
3850 1877