Effects of High Intensity Exercise on Body Composition Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Tahir Hazır1, Mehmet Gören Köse1
, Ferhat Esatbeyoğlu2
, Yunus Emre Ekinci1
, Ayşe Kin İşler1
1Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Sports Sciences and Technology, Institute of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: High-Intensity Exercise, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, Body Composition
Objective: It is recommended not to exercise for 12-48 hours prior to test to secure validity and reliability of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of repeated cycling sprint exercise on body composition using foot-to-foot and hand-to-foot BIA (BIAF-F and BIAH-F).
Material and Method: Twenty five young recreationally active men (23.7±6.3 years) completed a repeated cycling sprint test (5x6-s max sprints with 30 s rest). Body mass (BM), fat-free mass (FFM), body fat percentage (BFP), BIAF-F and BIAH-F, impedance, resistance and reactant values were measured prior to repeated cycling sprint test, immediately after (1-3 minutes) and following 10th and 20th minutes of the test. The effects of exercise on body composition and BIA values were determined by repeated measures variance analysis.
Results: When compared to values prior to exercise, significant decrease in BM was found beginning from the 10th minute following the exercise(p<0.001). For BIAF-F method, comparing prior to exercise; impedance and BFP measured following exercise were significantly lower till 20th minute following the exercise (p<0.001) whereas FFM was significantly higher (p<0.009). These differences revealed a change less than 2.0% for BFP and less than 0.40% for FFM. For BIAH-F method, comparing with prior to high-intensity exercise, resistance values immediately after and 10 minutes after exercise were similar, however, resistance values after 20 minutes were measured significantly lower (p<0.001). On the other hand, there is no significant change found in reactant values (p>0.05). The effects of high-intensity exercise on BFP (p>0.05) and FFM (p>0.05) measured with BIAH-F method was not significant.
Conclusion:The results of this study showed that short-term high-intensity exercise had no effect on body composition measured by BIAH-Ftechnology. In addition, BFP measured by BIAF-F technology was significantly low, but this decrease was less than 2%. These results indicate that exercise restriction before BIA measurement is not evidence based, if the hydration status is well-controlled.
Cite this article as: Hazir T, Kose MG, Esatbeyoglu F, Ekinci YE, Kin Isler A. Effects of high intensity exercise on body composition measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Turk J Sports Med. 2020;55(2):102-11.