p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498


Ahmet ERTAT* Çetin İŞLEGEN* Semra ELMACI** İnan SOYDAN***

Issue: 1998, Volume 33, Issue 1
0 1827

COVID-19 Pandemic and Pre-Participation Evaluations: Risks and Precautions

Burkay Utku, Erdem Kaşıkçıoğlu

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.198

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 3
4138 2772

Social insulation during COVID-19: The importance of physical activity

Ali Ahmet Doğan, Pelin Aksen Cengizhan

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0462

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
3486 2521

COVID-19 versus physical inactivity – a self-reported questionnaire study

Muhammed M. Atakan, Selin Aktitiz, Mert Kayhan

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0506

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 2
2456 2406

Professional athletes have higher anxiety levels during COVID-19 outbreak compared to recreational athletes and sedentary people

Ömer Serkan Kara, Gökhan Büyüklüoğlu, Nihan Büyüklüoğlu, Selçuk Gül, Mehmet Mesut Çelebi, Hasan Kaya

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0502

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 2
3683 2269

Attitudes of individuals who participate in recreative mountain and nature sports towards COVID-19 phobias

Yasin Karaca, Metin Can Kalaycı

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0517

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 4
1836 1591

Effects of COVID-19 on physical activity and mood in the middle-aged people: Concerns and strategies

Alireza Aghababa, Hadi Rohani, Maghsood Nabilpoor, Apostolos Theos, J. Kinglesy Derek, Seyed Houtan Shahidi

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0609

Issue: 2022, Volume 57, Issue 1
1634 991

A sports injury to keep in mind, exercise band-induced ocular injury: A case report

Şensu Dinçer, Esin Nur Taşdemir, Ceylan Köksal, Armağan Filik

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0660

Issue: 2022, Volume 57, Issue 4
2027 1038

Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on elite volleyball athletes

Savaş Kudaş, Seda Biçici Uluşahin, Hatice Nilden Arslan, Elif Durukan

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0679

Issue: 2022, Volume 57, Issue 4
1440 742

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental status of health workers at sports clubs

Nevzad Denerel, Onur Yüksel Öçal

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0736

Issue: 2023, Volume 58, Issue 1
850 665

Evaluation of handball players’ anxiety and depression levels and anxiety about catching the novel coronavirus during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tansel Koyunoğlu, Erdem Atalay, Özgen Aras

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0662

Issue: 2023, Volume 58, Issue 3
1365 820

Impact of using surgical face masks on exercise test parameters in professional athletes

Volkan Şah, Şeyhmus Kaplan, Nesim Aladağ, Ramazan Duz, Zekiye Özkan, Ceyda Ak

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0758

Issue: 2023, Volume 58, Issue 3
1241 843

The Effect of asymptomatic versus mild symptomatic COVID-19 infection on male athletic performance: A cross-sectional clinical research

Özlem Karasimav, Nilüfer Kutay Ordu Gökkaya, Ebru Alemdaroğlu, Burkay Utku, Nilgün Ergün

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0770

Issue: 2024, Volume 59, Issue 1
1657 1234

Exemplifying successful sports event amidst the pandemic: the case of the Turkish women's football super league

Esin Nur Taşdemir, İsmail Başöz, İlker Yücesir, Bülent Bayraktar

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0812

Issue: 2024, Volume 59, Issue 3
1115 761