p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498


Soner AKKURT*, Bilal ÇELEBİ**

Issue: 1998, Volume 33, Issue 2
0 979

Taper Training in Sport

Halit Egesoy

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.162

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
10435 2354

Overtraining Syndrome

Şensu Dinçer, Aysun Ertuna

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.161

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 1
21706 2813

Effects of Functional Training on Performance in Professional Basketball Players

Serkan Usgu, Yavuz Yakut, Savaş Kudaş

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2020.193

Issue: 2020, Volume 55, Issue 4
5137 2278

Effects of exercise on life quality in a rheumatoid arthritis patient

Diego Alexandre Alonso-Aubin, Iván Chulvi-Medrano, Moisés Picón-Martinez, George S Metsios

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0482

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
2186 2044

Plyometrics or balance training effects on lower body power, balance and reactive agility in collegiate basketball athletes: A randomized control trial

Jaelynn Lee, Joel Martin, Ryan Wildehain, Jatin Ambegaonkar

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0472

Issue: 2021, Volume 56, Issue 1
3696 2431

Comparison of the biomechanical parameters during drop jump on compliant and noncompliant surfaces: A new methodological approach

Fırat Özdalyan, Hikmet Gümüş, Celal Gençoğlu, Mert Tunar, Caner Çetinkaya, Berkant Muammer Kayatekin

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0553

Issue: 2022, Volume 57, Issue 1
1518 1009

Incidence of sports injuries and their association with training characteristics of football referees in Türkiye

Seçkin Şenışık, Ogün Köyağasıoğlu, Nevzad Denerel, Yunus Emre Meydanal

DOI: 10.47447/tjsm.0682

Issue: 2022, Volume 57, Issue 4
1076 573