2018, Volume 53, Issue 1
Research Article
Site and Type Assessments of Sports Injuries in Archers
Gizem Kocaman1, Emrah Atay
2, Mahmut Alp
3, Gürhan Suna
1Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Management, Burdur, Turkey
2Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sports Administration, Burdur, Turkey
3Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Sports Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
Cite this article as: Kocaman G, Atay E, Alp M, et al. Site and type assessments of sports injuries in archers. Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:1-8.
Evaluation of Alpine Skiing Injuries in Terms of Personal Precautions: Erciyes Sample
Emrah Yılmaz1, Gökmen Özen
2, Hürmüz Koç
1Hitit University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Çorum, Turkey
2Ankara University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Ankara, Turkey
3Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Coaching Education, Çanakkale, Turkey
Cite this article as: Yilmaz E, Özen G, Koc H. Evaluation of alpine skiing injuries in terms of personal precautions: Erciyes sample Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:9-16.
Relationship of Lower Extremity Muscle Strength with Balance and Lower Extremity Functions in Elderly Women
Ferdi Başkurt1, Sabriye Ercan
2, Zeliha Başkurt
1Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Isparta, Turkey
2Dr. Ersin Arslan Education and Research Hospital, Department of Sports Medicine, Gaziantep, Turkey
Cite this article as: Baskurt F, Ercan S, Baskurt Z. Relationship of lower extremity muscle strength with balance and lower extremity functions in elderly women Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:17-26.
Effects of a Volleyball Match on Serum Nitric Oxide Level and Oxidant/ Antioxidant Status
Nihan Karaca1, Faruk Turgay
2, Gülbin Rudarlı Nalçakan
2, Mesut Nalçakan
3, Ali Rıza Şişman
1Arkas Sports Club, Volleyball Division, İzmir, Turkey
2Ege University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, İzmir, Turkey
3İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Eşrefpaşa Hospital, Division of Sports and Health, İzmir, Turkey
4Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, İzmir, Turkey
Cite this article as: Karaca N, Turgay F, Nalcakan GR, et al. Effects of a volleyball match on serum nitric oxide level and oxidant/ antioxidant status Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:27-36.
The Effects of Prolotherapy in Recreational Athletes with Plantar Fasciitis
Ali Haydar Apaydın1, Aydan Örsçelik
2, Yavuz Yıldız
1Academy of Gendarmerie and Coastal Security, Department of Sports Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2University of Health Sciences, Gülhane Education and Resaearch Hospital, Department of Sports Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Cite this article as: Apaydın AH, Orscelik A, Yildiz Y. The effects of prolotherapy in recreational athletes with plantar fasciitis Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:37-46.
Case Report
Does Leg Length Discrepancy Affect Flexor And Extensor Muscle Strength of the Knee? A Case Series of Paralympic Swimming Athletes
Tuğba Kocahan1, Bihter Akınoğlu
1Ministery of Youth and Sports, General Directorate of Sports, Directorate of Health Affairs, Eryaman, Ankara, Turkey
2Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara, Turkey
Cite this article as: Kocahan T, Akinoglu B. Does leg length discrepancy affect flexor and extensor muscle strength of the knee? A case series of paralympic swimming athletes Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:47-50.