The Effects of Prolotherapy in Recreational Athletes with Plantar Fasciitis
Ali Haydar Apaydın1, Aydan Örsçelik
2, Yavuz Yıldız
1Academy of Gendarmerie and Coastal Security, Department of Sports Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2University of Health Sciences, Gülhane Education and Resaearch Hospital, Department of Sports Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Prolotherapy, plantar faciitis, recreational athletes, heel pain
Objectives: In this study; it was tried to examine the efficacy of the prolotherapy method in the treatment of recreational athletes who have plantar fasciitis and to determine its place in the treatment.
Material and Methods: Of the patients who were admitted to the polyclinic with heel pain, the ones diagnosed with unilateral plantar fasciitis were determined. Thirty recreational athletes who were aged 25 to 50, had pain for at least six months, and who have not been healed by conservative treatment were included in the study. Patients were evaluated by visual pain scale, foot and ankle outcome score and balance coordination test. These evaluations were made before the treatment and three months following the first application. The extremities that patients did not complaint about were used as the control side. A 15% dextrose solution was preferred as proliferating agent for prolotherapy. In total, injections were made at seven points (to the beginning and end of plantar fascias). The same procedure was repeated two weeks later.
Results: When pre- and post-treatment values were compared; a statistically significant difference was found between the scores of visual pain scale, foot and ankle outcome score and balance coordination test (p<0.01).
Conclusion: According to the results of the research, one can conclude that the application of prolotherapy provides symptomatic and functional improvement in recreational athletes with plantar fasciitis. Prolotherapy application seems to be an alternative treatment method in patients who have not been healed by conservative treatment.
Cite this article as: Apaydın AH, Orscelik A, Yildiz Y. The effects of prolotherapy in recreational athletes with plantar fasciitis Turk J Sports Med. 2018;53:37-46.