p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498

Selected Paper

Teaching Styles, Physical Literacy and Perceived Physical Self-Efficacy. Results of A Learning Unit in Primary School

Dario Colella, Maddalena Bonasia

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

Cite this article as: Colella D, Bonasia M. Teaching Styles, Physical Literacy and Perceived Physical Self-Efficacy. Results of A Learning Unit In Primary School. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54 (Suppl):1-7.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.145
2856 2014

Motor Development in Children: The Triennial SBAM Regional Italian Program

Dario Colella1, Domenico Monacis1,2, Fabio Massari1

1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy
2Department of Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, University of Foggia

Cite this article as: Colella D, Monacis D, Massari F. Motor Development in Children: The Triennial SBAM Regional Italian Program. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54 (Suppl): 8-15.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.146
2107 1700

Partnership As an Instrument of Sport Governance in Morocco: Case of The Partnership Between Ministries in Charge of Sport and National Education

Elakari Abderrazak

The Royal Institute, Morocco

Cite this article as: Abderrazak E. Partnership as an Instrument of Sport Governance in Morocco: Case of The Partnership Between Ministries in Charge of Sport and National Education. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54 (Suppl):16-22.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.147
1643 1802

30 Years of SLOfit: Its Legacy and Perspective

Gregor Jurak, Marjeta Kovač, Vedrana Sember, Gregor Starc

Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cite this article as: Jurak G, Kovač M, Sember V et al. 30 Years of SLOfit: Its Legacy and Perspective. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54(Suppl):23-27.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.148
2518 1994

Educational Interventions to Change Obesity Perceptions Among High School Students

Meral Küçük Yetgin1, Pervin Avşar2, Eda Ağıllı Akın3, Salih Pınar4

1Department of Coaching Education, Sports Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
2Physical Education and Sports Teacher, Ayrancı Anatolian High School, Ankara, Turkey
3Specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics, Mayasante Polyclinic, Ankara, Turkey
4Department of Coaching Education Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

Cite this article as: Yetgin MK, Avsar P,Akin EA, et al.Educational interventions to change obesity perceptions among high school students.Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54 (Suppl):28-39.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.149
2891 2299

Functional force differences in elderly people

Özgür Nalbant

Department of Coaching Education, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Antalya, Turkiye

Cite this article as: Nalbant O. Functional force differences in elderly people. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54(Suppl): 40-46.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.150
2104 2202

Bilateral Development of Movements in Pre-school Children

Ana Buyuklieva

Department of Physical Education Theory, National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Sofia, Bulgaria

Cite this article as: Buyuklieva A. Bilateral development of movements in pre-school children. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54(Suppl): 47-48.

DOI: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.151
1058 1264