Motor Development in Children: The Triennial SBAM Regional Italian Program
Dario Colella1, Domenico Monacis1,2
, Fabio Massari1
1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy
2Department of Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, University of Foggia
Keywords: Health promotion, motor development, physical self-efficacy, physical education, primary school
Objective: The aim of this study was to present the results of the triennial SBAM regional program aimed at monitoring 8- year old children in the Apulian region of Southern Italy from 2013 to 2016.
Materials and methods: The program included 17,102 children in the first year, 16,104 children in the second year and 14,847 children in the third year. SBAM was a multi-component program and included different integrated action plans: physical education, active transport (pedibus), and methods for developing healthy eating habits. For each year, four motor tests (long jump standing, shuttle run, 6 min walk test, and medicine ball throw), a motor coordination test and two self-reports for evaluating self-efficacy and enjoyment were proposed to all children.
Results: The results showed gender and group differences (normal-weight vs. overweight-obese) in both motor tests and self-reports (p <0.05). The annual results of the motor tests were sorted in deciles in order to have a regional observation and monitoring database concerning the motor development skills among children and preadolescents.
Conclusion: Boys showed motor performance, perceived self-efficacy scores and enjoyment higher than females in three years. Growth influences the development of motor abilities; overweight and obese males and females showed a different development of motor performance that was lower than in children with a BMI in the norm. It is necessary to develop physical education in primary school, increasing opportunities and adapting them to the needs of all children. SBAM project highlighted the need to promote interdisciplinary and inter-institutional actions to promote child health and acquire physically active lifestyles.
Cite this article as: Colella D, Monacis D, Massari F. Motor Development in Children: The Triennial SBAM Regional Italian Program. Turk J Sports Med. 2019; 54 (Suppl): 8-15.