The relationships between static and dynamic core stability and anaerobic exercise capacity in young elite male soccer players
Sertaç Berkan Bozyel1, Devrim Can Saraç2
, Umut Ziya Koçak2
, Sercan Gücenmez3
, Gürbey Kahveci1
, Namet Ateş1
, Deniz Bayraktar2
1Altınordu Football Club, Athlete Health Department, İzmir, Türkiye
2Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Türkiye
3Department of Rheumatology, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Türkiye
Keywords: Anaerobic capacity, soccer, core stability
Objective: To investigate the associations between static and dynamic core stability and anaerobic exercise capacity in young elite male soccer players.
Materials and Methods: Thirty-five athletes with a median (IQR 25/75) age of 17 (17/18) years were participated in the study. Static core stability and dynamic core stability were evaluated with side bridge test and Y balance test, respectively. Vertical Jump Test and Running-Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) were used as anaerobic exercise capacity related performance tests. Anaerobic exercise capacity was determined by using Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT).
Results: Significant but weak correlations were observed between dynamic core stability and WAnT average power (r= 0.370, p=0.029) and between dynamic core stability and RAST peak power (r= 0.371, p=0.028). No other significant relationships were detected between other core stability and anaerobic exercise capacity related measures (p>0.05).
Conclusions: It was determined that anaerobic exercise capacity is not related to static core stability, while poorly associated to dynamic core stability.
Cite this article as: Bozyel SB, Sarac DC, Kocak UZ, Gucenmez S, Kahveci G, Ates N, et al. The relationships between static and dynamic core stability and anaerobic exercise capacity in young elite male soccer players. Turk J Sports Med.2022, 57(3):117-22;
The approval for this study was obtained from Clinical Research Ethics Board of Izmir Katip Celebi University (Approval number: 86, Date: 05.11.2020).
Concept: SBB, DB; Design: SBB, UZK, DB; Supervision: DB, Data Collection and/or Proccessing: SBB, SG, GK, NA; Analysis and Interpretation: SBB, DCS; Literature Review: SBB, DCS; Writing Manuscript: SBB, DCS; Critical Reviews: UZK, DB
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to authorship and/or publication of the article.
The authors received no financial support for the research and/or publication of this article.