Investigation of the effects of 8-week Nordic and traditional walking training on blood pressure in prehypertensive postmenopausal women
Ebru Tekin1, Fatma Ünver2
, Yalın Tolga Yaylalı3
1Therapy and Rehabilitation, Bigadiç Vocational School, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Türkiye
2Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Türkiye
3Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Türkiye
Keywords: Exercise, nordic walking, prehypertensive, postmenopausa
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of Nordic walking (NW) and traditional walking (TW) training on blood pressure and resting heart rate in prehypertensive postmenopausal women.
Materials and Methods: Twenty women aged 57.9 ± 7.2 years participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups of 10: NW and TW. Exercises were performed three days a week for eight weeks and 50 min/day at 40-60% of the maximum heart rate. Body composition, blood pressure, and resting heart rate values of the participants were measured before and after the 8-week exercise program.
Results: Upon comparing the values before and after exercise; body weight, body mass index, hip circumference, systolic and diastolic pressure values decreased significantly (p<0.05), while there was no significant change in the resting heart rate (p>0.05) in the NW group. In the TW group; body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, systolic and diastolic pressure decreased significantly (p<0.05). No significant changes were found in other parameters (p>0.05). The effect size of NW training was found to be higher in body weight, BMI, and systolic and diastolic pressure values.
Conclusion: NW training is more effective than TW training in the regulation of blood pressure in prehypertensive postmenopausal women.
Cite this article as:Tekin E, Unver F, Yaylali YT. Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Nordic- and Traditional Walking Training on Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive Postmenopausal WomenTurk J Sports Med. 2023; 58(3):112-7;
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Pamukkale University (Date: 06.08.2019, Decision no: 14). The study was conducted in accordance with the international declaration guidelines, etc.
Concept: FU; Design: ET, FU; Supervision: FU; Materials: ET; Data Collection and/or Processing: YTY, ET; Analysis and Interpretation: ET; Literature Review: FU, YTY; Writing Manuscript: ET, FU, YTY; Critical Reviews: YTY, FU, ET.
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to authorship and/or publication of the article.
This study was supported by the Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects (BAP Project no: 2020SABE004).
Other Information
This study was derived from one of the authors', Ebru Tekin's Master's thesis titled “Comparison of the Effects of 8-Week Nordic Walking Training and Traditional Walking Training on Physiological and Functional Parameters in Prehypertensive Postmenopausal Women.”