p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498

Bergün Meriç BİNGÜL, Murat SON, Menşure AYDIN, Yezdan CİNEL

Kocaeli Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu, Kocaeli

Keywords: Static stretching, dynamic stretching, warm up, football, anaerobic power, exercise


The aim of the study is to determine the effects of static and dynamic stretching during warm up on agility. A total of 23 football players from the Kocaeli amateur B league participated in the study. Two different protocols were applied to players, with an interval of 48 hours. The protocols included 5 min jogging preceding either dynamic or static stretching. In the dynamic stretching protocol, each muscle group was stretched using eight movements in two sets of 12-15 repetitions with 10 s resting between sets; in the static stretching protocol, the same movements were used for two sets of 30 seconds, separated again by 10 s. Following each warm-up session, subjects were tested for vertical jump on a jumpmeter. Anaerobic power was calculated using the Lewis formula. Data were compared by means of the Wilcoxon test in the SPSS program. Significantly different (p<0.05) results were obtained for the static and dynamic stretching protocols. Warm up using dynamic stretching better effected explosive power compared with the static procedure. The results of this study suggest that anerobic power performance is better displayed if dynamic stretching is preferred during warm up.