p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498

Kadri YILDIZ1, Ahmet Gökhan YAZICI2, Ömer Selim YILDIRIM1

1Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Dept. of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Erzurum, TURKEY
2Atatürk University Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education, Dept. of Physical Education and Teaching, Erzurum, TURKEY

Keywords: Adductor brevis, muscle rupture, groin pain, soccer


An acute tear of the adductor brevis tendon is an uncommon injury. This is one of the youngest amateur soccer player reported with adductor muscle rupture; an entity seen predominantly in middle-aged people. In this case; grade-2 traumatic rupture of the adductor brevis tendon is reported. Excising the mass was suggested, but conservative treatment followed upon patient’s disapproval.