p-ISSN: 1300-0551
e-ISSN: 2587-1498

Bülent UYSAL1, M. Murat SEVEN2, Ali MEMİŞ3, Yavuz YILDIZ4

1GATA Fizyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Etlik, Ankara
2Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı, Sporcu Sağlığı Merkezi, Ankara
3Kasımpaşa Asker Hastanesi, DETAM Başkanlığı, İstanbul
4GATA Spor Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı, Etlik Ankara

Keywords: Ozone therapy, sports medicine, exercise, mechanism of action


In recent years, the utilization of approaches in fields of regenerative and complementary medicine has become popular in some pathological conditions. Ozone therapy, one of the favorite approaches of regenerative and complementary medicine is being administrated in private treatment centers for a long time. First scientific studies about ozone therapy date the early 1950’s. This great interest on ozone therapy has lead to an increase in the number of scientific studies about the issue. The present review aims to scrutinize potential indications and possible mechanisms of action of different ozone therapy methods in pathologies concerning sports medicine.