Acute effect of percussion massage applied on quadriceps with Hypervolt device on range of motion and performance
Ayhan Canbulut1, Görkem Kıyak2
, Sabriye Ercan2
, Cem Çetin2
1Sports Medicine Clinic, Isparta City Hospital, Isparta, Turkiye
2Sports Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkiye
Keywords: Percussion, massage, power, range of motion
Objective: The aim of our study is to investigate the effect of percussion massage applied to the quadriceps muscle with a Hypervolt device on range of motion (ROM), jumping, agility and anaerobic performance.
Material and Methods: Total of 24 (41.7% female, 58.3% male) healthy individuals with mean age of 22.04±1.19 years participated in the study. A cross-randomization method with a 72-hour washout period was used throughout the study. Percussion massage (Hyperice, California, USA) was applied to the dominant quadriceps muscle of the participants lying in the supine position for 8 minutes at a frequency of 30 Hz using the flat head of the Hypervolt device. ROM, vertical jump, T Drill Test and Wingate anaerobic performance tests (WAnT) were evaluated.
Results: Hip flexion ROM of the participants increased significantly after percussion massage with Hypervolt (p=0.02). There was no significant difference in vertical jump and T Drill Test results and ROM measurements other than hip flexion after percussion massage with Hypervolt (p˃0.05). WAnT results were found to be decreased (p<0.05).
Conclusion: While percussion massage device has positive effects on joint range of motion, they have no effect on jumping and agility performance. However, there was a decrease in anaerobic power output. Percussion devices such as Hypervolt which are utilized for warming up may reduce anaerobic performance.
Cite this article as: Canbulut A, Kiyak G, Ercan S, Cetin C. Acute effect of percussion massage applied on quadriceps with Hypervolt device on range of motion and performance. Turk J Sports Med. 2023 58(2):55-60;
*: The summary of this study was presented as an oral presentation at the 1st International/4th National Health Services Congress to be held between 10-12 June 2022.
This study was approved by the Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine Scientific Research Ethics Committee (approval number 240, date: 13.07.2021).
Concept: AC, SE, CÇ; Design: AC, SE, CÇ; Pervision: AC, SE, CÇ; Materials: AC, GK; Data Collection and Processing: AC, GK; Analysis and Interprepation: SE; Literature Review: AC, GK, SE; Writing Manuscript: AC, GK, SE, CÇ; Critical Reviews: AC, GK, SE, CÇ.
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to authorship and/or publication of the article.
The authors received no financial support for the research and/or publication of this article.