Injury Epidemiyology in Elite Taekwondo Athletes: Retrospective Cross Sectional Study Including Three International Championships
Mehmet Mesut Çelebi1, İbrahim Dündar2
, Ali Murat Zergeroğlu1
1Sports Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
2Sports Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ahi Evran University, Kırşehir, Turkey
Keywords: Taekwondo, Para-Taekwondo, Injury, Incidance
Objective: In this retrospective cohort study, taekwondo (TWD) and para-taekwondo (P-TWD) injury rates, number of injuries and types of injuries were determined.
Material and Method: Injury incidences were recorded during 2nd European Clubs Taekwondo Championship, 1st International Open Taekwondo Championship and 3th European ParaTaekwondo Championship which were held in Antalya. 1838 taekwondo and 74 para-taekwondo athletes were participated in 1521 taekwondo and in 59 para-taekwondo competitions. The rate of injury were evaluated both as injuries per 1000 competions and per single competition. The injuries were recorded by 5 medical doctors. International Olympic Committee daily injury and illness report form was used for the injury records.
Results: 38 athletes were injured in 1580 competitions; 31 of them were taekwondo and 7 were para-taekwondo athletes. The incidence of injury was determined as 20,38 injuries/1000 competitions in taekwondo and 118,64 injuries/1000 competitions in para-taekwondo. 0.02 injury per competion were recorded in teakwando and 0.11 injury per competition in para-taekwondo. Lower extremity injuries were found to be the most common injuries in para-taekwando (33,89 injuries/1000 competitions) and in taekwondo (10,51 injuries/1000 competitions).
Conclusion: The rate of injury in P-TWD was higher than in TWD. This study provides epidemiological information that will help to develop prevention strategies and recommendations for future injury monitoring studies and to reduce the number of injuries in taekwondo competitions.
Cite this article as: Celebi MM, Dundar I, Zergeroglu AM. Injury epidemiyology in elite taekwondo athletes: Retrospective cross sectional study including three international championships. Turk J Sports Med. 2019;54(4):250-4.